A Diamond in the Midst
A few days ago, a diamond python hitched its way, probably in the engine compartment, on the 99 km journey from Kawalang to Chatswood. Monty the Python was discovered on the front tyre of Brynnie’s car, in the parking garage, by a passerby on his way to the car park lifts.
Fortuitously, the kind discoverer had a colleague in his office who was a snake rescuer and who knew how to move our dear python to safety. Brynnie became aware of the python’s adventure when she got to my car at 6 pm and found the two photos below on my windscreen, under the wiper blade, with a note from a very kind Murray who told me our hitchhiker had been discovered and was now on its way back to the bush near his home.
Glad she was discovered without injury; sad to lose her at Kawalang. We love our pythons. Usually they camp out in the chook pen around Christmas to the consternation of the chooks and super displeasure of the rats who become a tasty meal….this one truly went walkabout! Sending vibes for a safe future in its new home.