Stranded by flooding? Make sure you’re with a chef!

First, our deepest thoughts are with those impacted by the recent flooding.

Fortunately, Kawalang is on the top of a hill, so while we were without power and on very soggy ground, we’ve been safe. Problematic for us was the need to postpone our Food & Country luncheon for which we had planted food especially for the occasion. We planted again for the rescheduled event, and did the same in 2022 also due to rain.

Chef Nathan Cooper had moved into Kawalang several days before the luncheon to commence preparation and to ensure that he could navigate here due to rising floodwaters in the valley adjacent to his home. While we were disappointed by the postponement and experienced the deluge which kept Nathan here for days following the event, Nathan did what he does brilliantly: cooked amazing food.

So if you ever have to be stranded, make sure you have a fabulous chef with you!

Our Food & Country luncheon have been re-scheduled multiple times due to weather, and also held in 2022 in the Studio…which didn’t get in the way of a joyful gathering, scrumptious food and sharing.


Tribute to Uncle Bill


The Tiny House Project