Join us at an event at Kawalang….
Upcoming Events
Kawalang is a place to relax, recharge, greet old friends and make new ones, connect with the land.
We host workshops and events that strengthen personal and community resilience, and cater events with food grown organically at Kawalang.
Whether it is a workshop, retreat, community event or corporate getaway….
Come visit us at Kawalang. Enjoy whatever adventure this land brings!
Boosting Your Respiratory and Immune System with Herbalist Pat Collins
Identify weeds and herbs that can boost your immune system and relieve respiratory ailments such as coughs and colds. Make ointments, rubs, lozenges, syrups, teas and capsules, and learn simple home healing techniques to improve health, circulation and overall wellbeing. Identify plants, make remedies and enjoy morning, afternoon tea and lunch made with food grown organically at Kawalang. Registration essential.
With special thanks to Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network and Wollombi Valley Progress Association.
Share What's Spare - Food and Conversation: Preserving What's Growing
Reconnect with neighbours and friends as we share what’s extra, learn from one another about becoming more resilient and explore preserving, pickling, drying, freezing what's growing in the garden!
With special thanks to Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network and Wollombi Valley Progress Association.
Share what's Spare, Food and Conversation - Making Bread
Reconnect with neighbours and friends as we share what’s extra, learn from one another about becoming more resilient personally and as a community. Learn how to bake bread!